Asbestos and Mesothelioma Compensation
If you or someone you know has been exposed to asbestos which has resulted in lung disease or any other related injury, you should contact our personal injury solicitors** for Bradford as you may be entitled to compensation. The solicitor ** will be able to evaluate your situation and give you an idea as to how much compensation you may be awarded and the probability of a successful claim.
Asbestos Exposure Solicitors
One of the main results of prolonged exposure to the fibres of asbestos is Mesothelioma. The dangers of asbestos were not known until recently, and therefore there are many claims for compensation for asbestos related Mesothelioma each year. You may have been exposed to asbestos through your work at a factory or on a construction site. It is important that you speak to an expert solicitor in Bradford as soon as is possible to ensure that you do not miss any of the associated time limits.
If you have suffered from Mesothelioma or another injury or disease due to asbestos, it may have been caused due to the negligence of a previous employer. Any employer has certain health and safety obligations, and any breaches of this could amount to compensation being payable. Further, in certain situations, you may be able to obtain compensation from the government in the form of state benefits; Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit and Pneumoconiosis (Workers’ Compensation) Act 1979 being two such examples. Accident Claims Bradford will be able to provide you with further information about these and other benefits, as well as how much compensation you may be entitled to.
Asbestos Compensation Calculation
Diseases related to asbestos are usually diagnosed by CT scans, MRI’s and x-rays of the chest. Treatment methods for these diseases include vaccinations, using oxygen and making sure the patient stops smoking. The amount of compensation available for Mesothelioma varies on the particulars of each case. Some examples of the area that will be considered include the specific type of disease or injury you have, the effect the injury has on you and your family, the associated costs and any other expenses.
Asbestos and Mesothelioma Injury Lawyers in Bradford
Our asbestos lawyers ** can help you claim compensation through our no win, no fee* offering. Call us on 01274 051 685^, or if you wish to make an online enquiry, please use our contact form.