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60-year-old forced into redundancy following accident at work

Posted in: Employer Negligence Knee Injury Leg Injuries Workplace Injuries 

A 60-year-old warehouse operative, who has remained unnamed, was forced into redundancy following a preventable accident at work. The worker had just started his shift and was walking through the warehouse, when a fork-lift truck backed out of an alley and knocked him over. The fork-lift drove over his right leg, breaking it and causing substantial damage to his knee. He was rushed to hospital where he had to undergo surgery. He soon started to experience pain in his left leg, meaning he could only walk with crutches – a situation that continues into the present time.

Employer made him redundant for 12 months

Two weeks before the incident, Health and Safety auditors had identified a pile of boxes that were obstructing a clear path through the warehouse and his employers had been directed to clear the obstruction. This directive had been ignored by his employers and this led to the fork-lift operative being unable to see clearly where he was driving. It also created a restricted pathway for employees crossing the warehouse. It was stated that had the boxes not been there, and had the fork-lift driver been more careful, the life-changing accident would not have occurred. Due to the seriousness of his personal injuries he was unable to carry out his former tasks and his employer made him redundant 12 months later.

The warehouse operative appointed solicitors to attain compensation for his situation and a six-figure sum was finally secured for the disabled worker.

If you have suffered an injury at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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