Psychiatric Injury Compensation
As accidents can be personal and traumatic experiences, the resulting injuries can be both physical and psychiatric. Accordingly, if you have suffered injuries following an accident that was not your fault, then you can make a personal injury compensation claim for both your physical injuries and your psychiatric injuries. Provided your psychiatric illness is recognised, rather than you simply being upset or distressed (unless they are symptoms of a recognised psychiatric illness). You can even make a claim as a secondary victim (i.e. where you witness an accident involving a loved one, resulting in a psychiatric injury). Psychiatric injuries can follow any type of accident, including:
Psychiatric and Mental Injuries
Psychiatric injuries are often more damaging than physical injuries and harder to recover from. The most common psychiatric injury that follows an accident is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is prevalent following accidents where there is a risk of death or serious injury. Symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety. Other common psychiatric injuries following an accident include phobias, depression, anxiety disorders and avoidance behaviour (i.e. avoiding the area where the accident took place).
In addition to compensation for psychiatric and physical injuries, claimants can also recover all consequential loss provided it can be proved that they are a direct result of the accident that resulted in the injuries. This usually includes claims for damage to property, medical expenses and loss of income.
If you would like to make a claim for psychiatric injuries following an accident that was not your fault, then you should seek the help of an experienced personal injury solicitor in Bradford. Particularly one who will deal with your case on a no win, no fee* basis. Accident Claims Bradford can assist. This means you can focus on your recovery and your compensation claim without having to worry about expensive legal fees.
Any compensation claim should be brought within three years of the date of the accident, or in the case of a child before their 21st birthday. Any claim brought outside this time will require special permission from the Court, which will only be granted in very limited circumstances.
Psychiatric Injury Claim Lawyers for Bradford
Have you been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Our psychiatric injury lawyers ** can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* offering. Call us on 01274 051 685^ If you wish to make an online enquiry, please use our contact form.