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A&E targets missed nine months running

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

Derriford Hospital in Plymouth’s A&E department has missed the national four-hour waiting time target for the ninth month in a row, according to a recent report. Chief Executive of the hospital, Anne James, said that the A&E department had been dealing with “significant pressure” recently as a result of a “sustained increase” in patients attending the department. The hospital is currently on ‘black alert’, meaning that its services are in extremely high demand.

“These pressures continue to affect our ability”

The report, which was presented to the hospital board, highlighted that the pressure was definitely having a “detrimental impact” on patients. The hospital has been on ‘black alert’ since January, and already 745 operations have been cancelled. Ms James said: “These pressures continue to affect our ability to meet the accident and emergency four hour standard and the cancellation of a large number of elective operations and planned investigations”.

Ms James ensured patients that regardless of the increased pressure, they would still receive “safe and compassionate” care.

The last time the hospital’s A&E department met the national four-hour waiting time target 95% of the time was last May.

The report is to be discussed by the board of Plymouth Hospitals Trust in due course.

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