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Are Shropshire’s maternity services safe?

Posted in: Birth Injury Medical Negligence 

After a commissioned report deemed Shropshire’s maternity services “safe” following the death of a baby in 2009, her parents still believe that this is not the case. Kate Stanton-Davies died shortly after being born with anaemia in Ludlow Community Hospital and was transferred to Birmingham’s Heartlands Hospital before she died. Rhiannon Stanton-Davies argues that the review was not thorough enough, and that she feels that “no lessons have been learnt” from the accident.

An inquest into the death of baby Kate found that a haemorrhage had occurred “at least a week” before her birth, told a pathologist, which could have been easily fixed if the screening of the womb had been inspected with greater care. The haemorrhaging of blood left the baby extremely anaemic, which could have been amended by a simple blood transfusion in the womb.      

Required an air ambulance to hospital

Mrs Stanton-Davies said: “The screening clearly wasn’t good enough, and I should never have been allocated to the community hospital to give birth”.

She continued to argue that nothing had been learned from the death of her baby, saying that a quarter of mothers giving birth in midwife-led units are still being transferred to proper hospitals. In her case, the midwife-led unit was 40 miles away from the nearest paediatric consultant. She said in the time that it could take to get from one place to another could result in the death of your baby, (she herself was transferred by air ambulance to Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham).

Following this, the Clinical Commissioning Group made a number of recommendations, including the provision of midwives with greater neonatal resuscitation skills.

If you have been affected by medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.   


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