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Norovirus outnreak closes ward

Posted in: Medical Negligence NHS Claims 

Ward 3 of Walsall’s Manor Hospital has been closed until at least Sunday following an outbreak of the Norovirus. A bay on Ward 10 has been closed due to the same outbreak and visitors with symptoms of sickness have been asked to stay away to stop the bug spreading. Any visitors with friends or relatives were requested to stay away, even if they were in different wards, if they had experienced diarrhoea or sickness in the previous three days.

Head of Infection Control for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, Joanne Ellison, has stated, “We are continuing to see cases of Norovirus across Walsall.  We have patients in Manor Hospital with Norovirus symptoms”.

Ms Ellison added that the virus can be contained and is asking people not to visit the hospital if they have had any symptoms of diarrhoea or sickness in the past few days. The virus can be infectious up to three days following the cessation of symptoms in individuals.   

1 million affected a year

She also went on to ask people not to bring children to the hospital as they are more suceptible to the infection and therefore pass it on.

Other wards that had been affected earlier in the week have now reopened.

Despite being known as the ‘Winter Vomiting Bug’, Norovirus infection can occur at any time of the year, and the NHS estimates that up to 1 million people can be affected in any one year. The symptoms include an upset stomach, diarrhoea and vomiting. Some people also experience aching limbs, fever, stomach cramps or headaches.

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