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Nurse receives £13k in compensation after assault

Posted in: Criminal Injury and Assault Workplace Injuries 

A former nursing assistant has been awarded £13,000 in compensation after an assault at work ended his career as a nurse. Andrew Eurich from Stickney suffered serious injuries when restraining a patient and is expected to be on painkillers for the rest of his life. Mr Eurich had been working at the Ash Villa Care Home, a child and adolescent mental health service unit, when the accident happened. On restraining a patient he tore the cartilage in his lower back and was forced to leave work as a result.

Mr Eurich had been accompanying a patient with another colleague when the patient suddenly barged into Mr Eurich, causing him to fall into a fire door and suffer a serious injury to his lower back. He was immediately taken to hospital where he received a course of physiotherapy and acupuncture. However, neither treatment worked and he now requires injections every six months to control the pain.

“thoroughly enjoyed my job”

Mr Eurich originally took leave from work for five months following the accident. However, the injury was so severe he was forced to retire on health grounds as he was no longer capable of carrying out the manual handling aspects of his job.  

Mr Eurich, also a Unison member, said that he did not blame the patient for his injury, but that he was very sad to leave the job he loved. He continued: “I had worked at the care home for seven years and thoroughly enjoyed my job, but I became physically incapable of carrying out the tasks that were required of me.

Mr Eurich did receive compensation for this “life-changing” accident.

If you have suffered an injury at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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