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5-year-old receives compensation for nursery injury

Posted in: Finger Injuries Personal Injury Public Place Accidents School Accidents 

A 5-year-old girl has been awarded with compensation after getting her finger trapped in a door at nursery when she was just 8-months-old. Mackenzie Miller, from Amble, got her finger caught in a fire door at Brambles Childcare Centre in 2009. A judge at Morpeth County Court ruled that the nursery had a duty of care, and ordered them to compensate the young girl for her injury. Mackenzie has been left with a deformed finger as a result of the accident.

Mackenzie had been following a teacher through the fire door when the accident happened. The teacher had opened the fire door to travel through to an adjoining room when Mackenzie followed her and got her finger trapped. The tip of the young girl’s middle finger on her left hand was saved by surgery. However, on returning home from the hospital, it was found that she had contracted the superbugs MRSA and pseudomonas.

“It was just one of those things”

Mackenzie’s Mum Caroline said: “She is always going to have a bulbous bit on the end of her finger and she is very conscious of it. But it is one of those things that she will have to live with. The nursery accepted liability straight away and an Ofsted report was done which found that it was just one of those things.

Ms Miller said that she had had to put Mackenzie in nursery as she had recently started a new job at the time. After the accident occurred in 2009, she was forced to leave the job to care for her daughter.

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