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Bakery to compensate worker £4k after being struck in the head

Posted in: Head and Brain Injuries Workplace Injuries 

A Premier Foods bakery in Trent Vale is to pay one of its workers £4,000 in compensation after he suffered a serious injury. Jonathan Wain was a mixing bay operator at the factory, and as part of weekend cleaning duties he had been asked to clean one of the ‘cages’ in the mixing bay. Whilst he was carrying out this task, a metal pipe fell and struck him on the head. It had been part of the cage but was not securely fixed in place.

Mr Wain suffered a serious head injury as a result of the accident and had to be rushed immediately to hospital. The wound required three stitches and he also suffered concussion. For several weeks after the accident, Mr Wain was still experiencing severe headaches, dizziness and blurred vision. He required seven weeks off work to recover.

“It could all have been avoided”

Following the accident, it was found that one of the rubber seals had been missing which kept the pipes in place. Since Mr Wain’s incident the bakery has taken action to ensure that all the pipes are secured with rubber seals.

Mr Wain said: “The accident itself was extremely painful but it also had a big impact on my life for weeks … What’s worse is that it could all have been avoided had the bakery properly maintained the machinery I was working on.

If you have suffered an injury at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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