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Bradford care home dangerously inadequate

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

Following a recent inspection, a care home in Bradford has been found to be dangerously inadequate. Inspectors found that Cooper House Care Home, which cares predominantly for dementia sufferers, was very poorly managed and understaffed, making it highly “unsafe” for its patients. Cooper House Care Home was one of three care homes marked as ‘inadequate’ in the north of England following recent inspections.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) report of Cooper House flagged up a serious issue with medicine management, stating that patients were not being protected from the risks associated with the medicines. A spokesman from the house said that they have made drastic changes as a result of the reports findings. He said: “We take the CQC’s report extremely seriously and now have a new manager in place and have implemented a robust action plan to address all the issues that it raised, including medication management.”

Patients could not access fluids easily

Similar issues were also highlighted at Sheffield-based nursing home, the Laurels and the Limes Care Home, where medicines were not managed properly and patients did not have access to a call bell for emergency assistance. It was also found that patients could not access fluids easily. A spokesperson from the home also said that changes had been made, including the employment of a new manager and the drawing up of a detailed action plan which has since been submitted to the CQC.

The third care home to have been rated ‘inadequate’ was Ashwood Lodge Care Home in Billingham, which has already “addressed and rectified” the issues highlighted by the CQC.

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