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Pensioner receives compensation for failed cosmetic surgery

Posted in: Medical Negligence Negligent Cosmetic Surgery 

69-year-old Pearl Richman has been awarded over £40,000 in clinical negligence compensation after a facelift caused her to develop a skin condition called necrosis. Mrs Richman underwent the procedure in 2010 but was left with open flesh wounds and a cell injury called necrosis, which causes the premature death of skin cells. Following the botched procedure, Mrs Richman took her case to a country court hearing in April, where the judge awarded her compensation against the negligent doctor.

It is believed that the doctor responsible for Mrs Richman’s injuries is still operating in the UK and has not paid out any compensation. Mrs Richman is currently heading a campaign to encourage the government to take action against ‘seagull surgeons’, (doctors who operate in the UK and return home overseas following failed operations).

Necrosis not mentioned as a potential risk

Mrs Richman said: “This might sound dramatic to people, but this has almost ruined my life. I always took pride in my appearance and over the years I went from having lots of photos of myself around the house, to having none.

The company that originally organised Mrs Richman’s operation went into administration. Because of this, they put her in touch with a surgeon from Italy who carried out the procedure. Mrs Richman said that the doctor at no point mentioned necrosis as a potential risk.

Mrs Richman said: “I would not want (this) to happen to another single person.

If you have suffered any form of medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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