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Health trust apologises to 27 patients over cancer care

Posted in: Medical Negligence Negligent Cancer Diagnosis 

A health trust has apologised to the cancer patients treated by a consultant who was recently dismissed. A total of 27 patients received letters in the post apologising for consultant Paul Miller’s treatment between 2006 and last December. Mr Miller had been working at East Surrey Hospital, treating bladder and prostate cancer patients.

Five patients that were treated by Mr Miller died, but the trust said that “it wouldn’t be correct” to immediately connect the deaths with Mr Miller’s treatment. The trust’s medical director, Des Holden, said that Mr Miller did not directly cause the death of patients, but he had left patients with a higher chance of their cancer returning. This was primarily down to the fact that Mr Miller had failed to inform patients of the whole range of treatments available to them, and the consequences of their decisions.

“Compensation to be considered and paid”

Complaints concerning Mr Miller only started to come to the trust in November of last year, which were immediately followed up by an internal investigation. He was sacked as a result and now awaits a formal investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC). Mr Miller described his dismissal as “unjustified”.

Mr Holden said: “On behalf of the trust, I apologise unreservedly for the errors in these patients’ treatment.” He added that the trust had written to the 27 patients and their families “to enable compensation to be considered and paid.

The trust has set up a helpline to answer any questions concerning the treatment provided by Mr Miller.  

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