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Illegal dog causes injury to owner’s friend

Posted in: Animal Attacks Hand Injuries Personal Injury 

A man that had been walking an illegal fighting dog in public claimed that he did not know that the dog was dangerous. Sean Mills (38) had been looking after his friend’s dog when it attacked another dog while out on a walk. Mr Mills had been walking Kaydee on the 28th of December when the accident happened, seriously injuring the other dog and himself. Mr Mills attempted to break up the fight and injured his own hand as a result.

Kaydee, a pit bull terrier, was found to already be subject to a contingent destruction order, meaning that it could be put down if found out in public without a muzzle. Mr Mills said that he was unaware of the legal requirements surrounding the dog, and had not been informed that it was classed as dangerous.

Five-day-old baby in a pram

District judge Gerald Chalk said: “If you are in charge of a dog then you must really be in charge of it … A dog can be a serious weapon and, as you have seen, they can cause serious injury.

It was heard in court that the owner of the dog that was attacked had been walking her five-day-old baby in a pram when the incident happened.

Judge Mr Chalk imposed an eight-week curfew on Mr Mills and ordered him to pay £150 in compensation to cover the other dog’s vet bills and £85 in costs.

If you have suffered a dog or animal-related injury, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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